Thursday, October 25, 2007

So i met the Guild Boys..

Yesterday I had mentioned how this pilgrimage would be worth my time and effort and be good for my soul when I finally get to St. Thomas A Beckett, but today I met those who thought very different. They were a lively crew of young men who were carpenters, construction workers, welders or whatever they claimed to be. We were all getting ready to eat and the few of them invited themselves to sit at my table and start more than just small talk. It was obvious that they were drinking and saw these evenings as time to party away from their young wives who must have had the upper hand in the relationship. They laughed and joked about what the deal was with this “shrine” we were all traveling to, and how they were only doing this so that their wives didn’t harass them or tell everyone how they were like childish little girls for not going on this long, rough journey for their beloved God. I find them ridiculous yet somehow they remind me of my youth, being loud and only wanting to have fun. I think they are genuinely good men, but if they continue this behavior I will probably just want to push them off of their horses and tell them to walk home until they are ready themselves to do this. Some peoples kids..